Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's OK Thursday

Hey! its OK It’s Thursday!  Someone this morning at work informed me that Thursday is just little Friday; but  so far I don’t think I agree.  Maybe I will change my mind as the day goes on (and gets closer and closer to actually being Friday.) 
Lets link up with A Complete Waste of Makeup and share why it’s OK It’s Thursday!
*It's ok to be exhausted in the morning because you decided to stay awake a little bit longer after your dog made you feel guilty for stopping the belly rubs.

*It's ok to take that second trip to Starbucks just because you have the gift receipt for after 2:00.  Hey you can't turn down a $2 coffee!

*It's ok to be ready for temps to start dropping just so you can buy a new pair of boots.

*It's ok to be 32 years old and still love funky manicures!
And my favorite this week:

*It's OK to be smart! Even if it pisses some people off!


  1. I'd def. make the extra run to Starbucks! And I am so ready for fall too! I just got a new pair of boots!

  2. love that manicure!

    Have a fabulous Thursday! Drop by and say hello! :)

  3. Welcome back to blogland! Did you get married last winter? (Is is weird that I remember you had a short engagement?). And Im just short of 29 and still wear weird colors on my nails, so it is okay!

  4. Your blog is so cute! I follow! Hope you can follow back!

