Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cleaning out my closet

With the arrival of fall temps in NC I have been re-discovering my “winter” wardrobe.  This is always a fun time of year where I get to shop my closet and wear things that I had to part with for the summer.  It’s always like a treasure hunt where I re-discover so many riches that were hidden. 
I also sometimes discover that my tastes have changed at some point between the start of the sweltering heat and now.  This happened when I pulled out the yellow wool pea coat I purchased last year.  For some reason when I put it on it just felt wrong.  Too stiff, scratchy and ill fitting I wonder what made me think this was a good decision 12 months ago. 
After some pondering I decided that since I purchased the jacket on sale last year, I was going to allow myself to splurge on a new winter coat this year.  Last year’s jacket was not a huge investment piece so that “I feel guilty getting rid of a perfectly good coat just because I don’t like it as much as I used to” feeling can kiss it. 
I fell in love with a jacket that was featured on Atlantic-Pacific last week.

OF COURSE this fantastic Just Female Asos Jacket is no longer available in Gray (curse you fashion Gods!)
So let the hunt begin.  I am not limited to jackets that look exactly like this one but the general concept of a longish, relaxed, comfortable coat with a dramatic shawl collar is where I would like to be.  Here are a few I am currently contemplating:


I think I am leaning towards #4 from Zara.  What do you think?