Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pick me ups

Back to the grind.

That first day back to work after a vacation is always a killer.  I am a firm believer in the statement that we need a vacation to recover from our vacations.  Yes, that feeling you get when you are reunited with your dog/cat is a slice of pure bliss (i'm sure this feeling is the same for all you Mommies and Daddies with your kids), but it fades fast and then it starts to sink in: You have to go to work in the morning.  I am four hours in to the work day and I'm sure I have uttered the words "THIS I did not miss" at least twice that many times.  Lets add that today is Election Day so I have a really long wait out in the cold to look forward to after work! What to do, what to do, such is the life they say. 

How about a few things I am loving lately to try to elevate the day?

This years Halloween Costumes. 
The husband and I went as Joker and Harley Quinn.  We really got into it this year, face make up and all!

My nephew who dressed Gangnam Style. 
Honestly he is to cute for his own good.

My other nephew's current obsession with safety goggles. 
Not sure where that comes from but its cute.

Audrey stealing my spot in the mornings after I get up. 
One of the most painful things in the world is getting out of a warm bed on a cold morning, add a toasty Beagle who wants to snuggle to the equation.

These sweet shots i captured of the husband having some snuggle time with Miss Audrey.

 Linking up over at The Glossy Blonde


  1. You guys look AWESOME!! And I absolutely love that your nephew went Gangnam Style! haha!

  2. Ahhhhh puppy cuddles are the worst thing to turn down especially when they throw you that look!

    Glad you had such a great vacation! i hope you recover quickly!

  3. My company is still closed from our hurricane so I haven't had to go back yet - I think maybe tomorrow or Thursday (please don't make me)!

    I love your halloween costumes!

  4. The safety goggles - TOO CUTE!!!

  5. Stoppin' by from the hop!
    I hate the first day after vacaiton..which reminds me I need a vacay.
    You and your husband look AWESOME for Halloween! I wish I dressed up!!!

  6. I love the costumes--so cute!

    P.S. I'm hosting a Shabby Apple $50 giveaway on my blog! You should check it out here: http://meandmr.com/post/35113285949/shabby-apple-50-giveaway

  7. hahaha Oh my gosh those safety goggles are TOO MUCH. So, so cute!

  8. First day after vacation STINKS! I love your nephews halloween costume...too funny!

  9. OH MY GOSH!
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Y'alls costumes! SO CUTE!
